Glyphed Epaulets: BOE World Drop
Khaz Modan Spaulders: Quest Reward: Wetlands
Glyphed Breastplate BOE World Drop
Expedition Scouting Gear Quest Reward: STV
Glyphed Bracers BOE World Drop
Topsoil Bracers Quest Reward: Wetlands
Glyphed Mitts (cuffed) BOE: World Drop
Spark proof Gloves (uncuffed) Quest Reward: Wetlands
Serpentis Gloves (uncuffed) Quest Reward: Wailing Caverns
Glyphed Belt BOE: World Drop
Strap of the Ancient Horn Quest Reward: Darkshore
Glyphed Leggings BOE: World Drop
Botanist's Britches Quest Reward: Hillsbrad Foothills (flowers vs zombies!)
Glyphed Boots BOE: World Drop
Cold Boots Quest Reward: Duskwood
Glyphed Cloak BOE: World Drop
Abjurer's Cloak BOE: World Drop (used in screens)
Head Options (note, the Glyphed Helm, that you might think would share a similar texture to the rest of the set, is actually quite ugly IMO.)
Azure Silk Hood BOE: Tailoring; See Here
Abjurer's Hood BOE: World Drop See Here
Vanguard Headdress BOE:Plate World Drop (nice Wildhammery kind of look) See Here
Mail version of Vanguard Headdress Flesh Handler's Headpiece Quest Reward: Netherstorm
Mail version of Vanguard Headdress Flesh Handler's Headpiece Quest Reward: Netherstorm
Trickster's Headdress BOE: World Drop See Here
And just for giggles ... Moon-Crown Antlers Instance Drop: COT: Old Hillsbrad See Here!

Swashbuckler's Shoulderpads BOE: World Drop
Yvonia's Pauldrons Quest Reward: Stonetalon Mountains
Optional Shoulders:
Barbaric Shoulders BOE: Leatherworking See Here
Dark Warder's Pauldrons BRD: Warder Stilgiss See Here
Swashbuckler's Breastplate BOE: World Drop
Potioner's Vest Quest Reward: Duskwood
Swashbuckler's Bracers BOE World Drop
Bartered Bracers Quest Reward: Northern STV
Swashbuckler's Gloves BOE: World Drop
Griefstricken Gloves Quest Reward: Arathi Highlands
Swashbuckler's Belt BOE: World Drop
Cord of the Ascetic Quest Reward: Northern STV
Swashbuckler's Leggings BOE World Drop
Stromgarde Leggings Quest Reward: Arathi Highlands
Swashbuckler's Boots BOE: World Drop
Raven Hill Sandals Quest Reward: Duskwood
Head Options (There seemed much fewer good options for this color scheme)
Murkblood Cover BOE: World Drop (req level 68)
Fuzzy Headcover Quest Reward: Searing Gorge
Pictured Cloak: Chieftain's Cloak BOE: World Drop
Fuzzy Headcover Quest Reward: Searing Gorge
Pictured Cloak: Chieftain's Cloak BOE: World Drop
How handy! I've been trying to compile the red set since it's kinda impossible to find Swashbuckler pieces on my server. Thanks!