Saturday, April 23, 2011

Red Versus Blue!

Today's installment deals with several sets of attractive looking leather armor easily attainable either through questing in the level 20-50 range or through lucky Auction House shopping.  These sets are not new to Cataclysm, what is new, is that Blizzard has used these models and textures for a host of new quest rewards that were implemented in Cataclysm. Keep in mind, there are often other items in the game with some of these models and textures. My lists are by no means exhaustive, indeed I am trying to list those items most easily attainable.


Glyphed Epaulets:  BOE World Drop
Khaz Modan Spaulders:  Quest Reward: Wetlands

Glyphed Breastplate BOE World Drop
Expedition Scouting Gear Quest Reward: STV

Glyphed Bracers BOE World Drop
Topsoil Bracers Quest Reward: Wetlands

Gloves (Gloves with this texture come in cuffed and uncuffed styles )
Glyphed Mitts (cuffed) BOE: World Drop
Spark proof Gloves (uncuffed) Quest Reward: Wetlands
Serpentis Gloves (uncuffed) Quest Reward: Wailing Caverns

Glyphed Belt BOE: World Drop
Strap of the Ancient Horn Quest Reward: Darkshore

Glyphed Leggings BOE: World Drop
Botanist's Britches Quest Reward: Hillsbrad Foothills (flowers vs zombies!)

Glyphed Boots BOE: World Drop
Cold Boots Quest Reward: Duskwood

Cloak Options
Glyphed Cloak BOE: World Drop
Abjurer's Cloak BOE: World Drop (used in screens)

Head Options (note, the Glyphed Helm, that you might think would share a similar texture to the rest of the set, is actually quite ugly IMO.)

Azure Silk Hood BOE: Tailoring;  See Here
Abjurer's Hood BOE: World Drop See Here
Vanguard Headdress BOE:Plate World Drop (nice Wildhammery kind of look) See Here
Mail version of Vanguard Headdress Flesh Handler's Headpiece Quest Reward: Netherstorm
And just for giggles ... Moon-Crown Antlers Instance Drop: COT: Old Hillsbrad See Here!


Yvonia's Pauldrons Quest Reward: Stonetalon Mountains
Optional Shoulders: 
Barbaric Shoulders BOE: Leatherworking See Here
Dark Warder's Pauldrons BRD: Warder Stilgiss See Here

Potioner's Vest Quest Reward: Duskwood

Swashbuckler's Bracers BOE World Drop
Bartered Bracers Quest Reward: Northern STV

Swashbuckler's Gloves BOE: World Drop
Griefstricken Gloves Quest Reward: Arathi Highlands

Swashbuckler's Belt BOE: World Drop
Cord of the Ascetic  Quest Reward: Northern STV

Stromgarde Leggings Quest Reward: Arathi Highlands

Swashbuckler's Boots BOE: World Drop
Raven Hill Sandals Quest Reward: Duskwood

Head Options (There seemed much fewer good options for this color scheme)
Murkblood Cover BOE: World Drop (req level 68)
Fuzzy Headcover Quest Reward: Searing Gorge

Pictured Cloak: Chieftain's Cloak BOE: World Drop

1 comment:

  1. How handy! I've been trying to compile the red set since it's kinda impossible to find Swashbuckler pieces on my server. Thanks!
